Saturday, October 30, 2010



(Published for Yaakov Kohen while he is having trouble with WordPress)

While you may or may not be aware, the English translations of the commandments in the bible are not the same as those in the JPS (Jewish Publication Society) of the Masoretic text. For example, where the KJ bible says, "Thou shalt not kill." the NKJ and the JPS both say, "Thou shalt not murder." Quite a difference.

I've always wondered about which commandments to follow and which ones were not quite necessary. Lately, I've become convinced that all 611 (or 621 according to some guys) should be followed as much as the land in which you live will allow. For example, we cannot stone someone for adultery. We could shun them, I suppose, or ask them to leave the synagogue if they remain unrepentant and continue their relationship. Still, it isn't the same thing. G-d is a forgiving G-d but a jealous G-d and He wants us to follow all of His commandments. [No, we can not and should not stone our members for adultry!  Please do NOT say that I am preaching that policy!!!]

What about the commandments on sacrificing a lamb or dove? Well, we can't do those until the temple in Jerusalem is restored and, right now, The Dome of the Rock (Islam) is sitting on top of the Temple of Jerusalem. So far, G-d has not commanded anyone to build another Temple in another place so we're stuck with waiting for Messiah - or the 2nd coming of Messiah according to some.

BUT, and this is the important part, we SHOULD keep those commandments that can be kept. Do NOT marry your sister or niece or step-mother and the like. Treat your neighbor as yourself.  Keep the Sabbath. (I wrote quite a bit on this subject over at WordPress.)  Even if you aren't a Jew (I really hate the word "Jewish" - it sounds like you just trying to be part of the "Jew Stew") then you might think about putting a mezuzah on your door (usually available at your local synagogue or on-line) and actually touch it as you go out (to remind you that all of your actions during the day should be pleasing to G-d) and as you come in (to remind you while you are at home.) READ part of the TaNaKh (Bible) every day to remind you of what G-d has said that you should and should not do. There are a lot of "shoulds" in the Torah. Most of them are applicable in today's world. Even though you probably won't find your neighbors ox wandering down the road in your neighborhood, you might find his wallet. And finding anything that is not yours means that you should try to find the rightful owner.  Remember, for a Jew, this is not the "Finders Keepers" mantra of the world.

Anyway, just some thoughts. Remember Pinchus: Be Zealous for G-d and He will be Zealous for you.


Thursday, October 21, 2010

G-d Save Texas !


(Published for Yaakov Kohen while he is having trouble with WordPress)

I got my shots in my back again yesterday so I'm moving kind of slow these days and watching too much TV. One thing that got to me is the the Governor's Race here in Texas. These guys are slinging so much mud that you can't tell WHY they should be governor, just why the other fellow should NOT be governor. I'm going to vote (early) today or tomorrow and I'll just have to reject both of them. I wish that we, like some other (smarter) states had a "NONE OF THE ABOVE" selection for each position. Since we don't have that option, I can just not vote for either of them and hope that someone notices. Maybe others here will follow suit but most vote straight Republican or straight Democrat without thinking. That option should be removed from the ballot because that means that the voter is too dumb to vote.

I'm not sure who watches what I write on this post nor if they know of Pinchus in the bible, the Torah part, where Pinchus takes action while Moses and the elders do nothing but sit and cry about the sins being done in front of their very eyes. tries to paint Pinchus as a pacifist who just this one time did something like that - it's their way of saying that radicalism (a Zealot) in any form is bad. I have to respectfully disagree with both their silly arguments and outlandish conclusions. See$PinchasCOLON_Zealots,_Radicals_and_Peace.php for the complete discussion.

Anyway, if you live in the 2nd largest and 2nd most populous state in the Union (meaning Texas) then go vote your conscience. But you might give thought to NOT voting for either the slick-haired incumbent nor the sleazy attacker trying to get back in the limelight. :-)
