Saturday, July 27, 2013

Musings on Maimonides: 130727, 13 Principles

Musings on Maimonides: 27 July 2013
13 Principles of Faith

Every week we close Friday Erev Shabbos with the Short Amidah of 13 Principles of Faith.  In English these are

1. I believe with perfect faith that G-d is the Creator and Ruler of all things. He alone has made, does make, and will make all things. 

2. I believe with perfect faith that G-d is One. There is no unity that is in any way like His. He alone is our G-d He was, He is, and He will be. 

3. I believe with perfect faith that G-d does not have a body. physical concepts do not apply to Him. There is nothing whatsoever that resembles Him at all. 

4. I believe with perfect faith that G-d is first and last. 

5. I believe with perfect faith that it is only proper to pray to G-d. One may not pray to anyone or anything else. 

6. I believe with perfect faith that all the words of the prophets are true. 

7. I believe with perfect faith that the prophecy of Moses is absolutely true. He was the chief of all prophets, both before and after Him. 

8. I believe with perfect faith that the entire Torah that we now have is that which was given to Moses. 

9. I believe with perfect faith that this Torah will not be changed, and that there will never be another given by G-d. 

10. I believe with perfect faith that G-d knows all of man's deeds and thoughts. It is thus written (Psalm 33:15), "He has molded every heart together, He understands what each one does." 

11. I believe with perfect faith that G-d rewards those who keep His commandments, and punishes those who transgress Him.

12. I believe with perfect faith in the coming of the Messiah. How long it takes, I will await His coming every day. 

13. I believe with perfect faith that the dead will be brought back to life when G-d wills it to happen.

Having been accepted into Judaism in a Reform Shul (Synagogue) I have often wondered whether Reform Judaism accepts these principles, especially the ones concerning Torah, Messiah and resurrection.  (Those in bold are the ones with which Reform Judaism has problems.)  Some of these are covered at and, while Rabbi Mecklenburger may or may not agree with the link, I do not agree.  I tend to agree with RaMBaM and the 13 Principles as stated.  Fortunately, Reform Judaism accepts me as I am and will not kick me out for my non-Reform thoughts. 

Mainly, Reform and Conservative Judism has changed, or modified, some of the principles and Amidah to be "Politically Correct" and "get along" with the rest of the modern world.  In particular, with the world stance on individual groups, wherein Judaism is a separated people, chosen by G-d to be a particular people, beloved of G-d above all others.  If we maintain this stance, then we might be seen as "holier than thou" attitude.  Well, so be it.  After all, those are the words of HaShem, not mine.  

The other problems are the world stance on adultery, sexuality and homosexuality.  The world seems to accept adultery, pre-marital sex, abortion and homosexuality as part of today's culture whereas G-d has condemned them.  If G-d has condemned them, then we should as well.  True, we can not carry out his punishment but we should not have fellowship with those who practice those things.

There, it has now been said.  Agree or disagree is not important.  That is between you and HaShem, not you and me.  But it should give you something to think about.  Maimonides laid out these principles many years ago and we repeat them every Erev Shabbos and every Amidah Prayer.  Maybe we should give more thought to the things that we say in prayer and think about them, especially if we are praying in Hebrew, a most holy language.

Yaakov On

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